ScanAttend Overview

What Is It

ScanAttend is a companion app for iOS devices. It is designed to enable admins to scan attendees into and out of the event or specific sessions. It is designed for use in conjunction with the ConferenceBeat badge option, available to you in the admin portal.

How It Works

  1. First, you will need to either use the physical badges under “Badges” in the admin portal, or require the attendees to sign into the ConferenceBeat event app and access the badge QR code inside Profile Settings.
  2. Next, download ScanAttend by Results at Hand from the Apple iTunes iOS App Store.
  3. Select the correct event from the list.
  4. Next, sign into the ScanAttend app with your admin portal credentials.
  5. Then, either choose event check in OR session check.  If session check in, select the session
  6. First time utilizing the app, selection “OK” when you see “ScanAttend would like to access the camera.”  Note: you must grant access to the camera to use ScanAttend.
  7. Point and shoot! Aim the in-app camera feed at the badge and wait for it to be recognized.  The app will display a Confirmation pop-up box.  Select Check In or Check Out to complete the badge scan.  There will be a green square drawn on the screen, and it will also flash up the attendee’s name, when scanned successfully.
  8. Once you have scanned the badges, select Attendance from the bottom Tab Bar to see the scans completed on your device. To refresh the list, swipe your finger down the screen starting at the first scan listed.

NOTE: Kiosk Mode is a self-service mode that allows users to scan their own badges without accessing other important settings. In kiosk mode all additional functionality is locked out until you the admin log in to unlock the device from kiosk mode. 

What Data Is Stored

We only store:

  • The event name, date, time, and location.
  • Session name, date, time, and location.
  • For scanned users, the internal ConferenceBeat user identifier, first name, and last name.

How to Get Help

For the ScanAttend Instruction Guide, follow this link. 
For the ScanAttend Instructional Video, follow this link

If you have any questions, please contact us! Email