Educational App – UPDATED 5/25

Take your continued education program mobile! Give members access to volumes of study materials and practice tests right on their mobile devices with our Educational Apps!

A mobile app is the perfect classroom for members on the go!

eBook Experience

No more carrying heavy books, notepads, pencils, etc.  Our app provides an eBook experience tailored for each user.

Materials & Notes
Access materials and take notes directly in the app. Search for keywords, highlight sections, and bookmark areas for later.

Make studying on the go easy

On-The-Go Testing

Drive increased accreditation with testing any time and anywhere! Manage your seminar, course, and certification testing from the admin console.

In-App Flashcards

Support your educational efforts with flashcards built right into your mobile app. Users can easily swipe left and right through the flashcards and tap to flip them.

Test Tracking
Attendees can save in-progress tests and will receive test submission confirmation and test score for tracking.
Practice Makes Perfect
Offer practice tests and hints to help members gain confidence prior to the exam.

Connect. Learn. Educate.
Get a complimentary app walk through of our Educational Apps!

Enhance member education

Send out "Question of the Day" alerts, schedule test reminders, and wish test takers good luck on the day of the exam. Share valuable resources any time - day or night.
Target segments or member groups with communications to draw awareness to your next webinar, seminar, classroom, or ebook with notifications and the in-app events calendar.
Peer Engagement

Allow peers to engage through in-app chatrooms and study groups.

CEU accreditation

Track CEU

As members engage with your organization they earn CEU, share an annual earned to-date CEU transcript with each member.

Digital Signatures

Collect your attendee's digital signature on the CEU completion card at the end of the training event for course completion submission.

Set Rules

Set submission rules for the application of CEUs in the app. For example, require a security code to unlock the course’s CEU for submission.

Award credits, credentials, and awards

No need to snail mail the award, give them to the deserved recipient real-time!