What Is It
Connect is a companion app for mobile devices. It is designed to enable event participants to scan attendees for lead retrieval and game participation during a live event. It is designed for use in conjunction with the ConferenceBeat badge option & event app.
How It Works
- First, you will need to either use the physical badges “Badges”, or require the attendees to sign into the ConferenceBeat event app and access the badge QR code inside Profile Settings. These badges will be managed by the Event Administrator.
- Next, download ConferenceBeat Connect by Results at Hand from the Appstore.
- Next, scan in or sign into the Connect app with your ConferenceBeat or Branded Event app login credentials. If you haven’t created Event app login credentials, you will need to first download the Event App & login to create credentials. If you have a ConferenceBeat badge, simply scan your badge for access to the Connect app.
- Select the correct event from the list.
- Then, either choose games or connect to get started.
- First time utilizing the app, selection “OK” when you see “Connect would like to access the camera.” Note: you must grant access to the camera to use CONNECT!
- Point and shoot! Aim the in-app camera feed at the badge and wait for it to be recognized. The app will display a Confirmation pop-up box. Select Confirm to continue. For Connecting, all you need to do is scan the badges or potential leads or partners. For Exhibitors, the connections will be listed in your ROI report in the Exhibitor Portal. For games, after you confirm the badge scan, you may select points to award the attendee. Leaderboard information is displayed in the ConferenceBeat Event app.
- Once you have scanned the badges, select Connections from the bottom Tab Bar to see the scans completed on your device. To refresh the list, swipe your finger down the screen starting at the top of the screen.
What Data Is Stored
We only store:
- The event name, date, time, and location.
- Game, game points, date, time, and location.
- For scanned users, the internal ConferenceBeat user identifier, first name, and last name.
How to Get Help
For the Connect Instruction Guide, coming soon!
For the Connect Instructional Video, coming soon!
If you have any questions, please contact us! Email support@resultsathand.com.