Tag: sponsorship
3 Ways to Sell Mobile App Sponsorship

Wondering how you can sell mobile app sponsorship? Or not even sure what the benefits really are? Read our post for 3 ways to sell this unique type of sponsorship.
Enhance your Event with a Photo Contest

See how networking was made easy with an in-app photo contest game for event goers at the 2016 GSAE Annual Meeting.
R@H Mobile App Sponsorship Guide

To help explain the many ways our mobile event apps can provide value to sponsors, we’ve created a new sponsorship guide. Read the post for details and to download the guide for free now!
Event Sponsorship: Connecting Organizers with Exhibitors

A recent blog post by Associations Now explored the expectations of event organizers and exhibitors regarding event sponsorship. With a similarity in results, this publication highlights 3 key takeaways for associations to consider. With these in mind, we took it a step further and looked into how having a multi-event app could benefit sponsors
More Sponsorship Opportunities with Results@Hand

Conference apps give suppliers/exhibitors around the clock exposure to their target audience during the entire conference. As an event organizer or host, if you are looking for new sponsorship revenue options, or a way to enhance your current event sponsor packages, or even a new unique exposure option for exhibitors — a conference mobile app, like ConferenceBeat, makes different sponsorship opportunities a reality for your organization.