Tag: seasonal
Top 10 R@H Blog Posts from 2016

To help celebrate the start of the New Year, let’s take a look back at our most popular blog posts from 2016.
2017 Tech Trends [Infographic]

Our 2017 Tech Trends Infographic is here! Check out our post for an overview of the infographic and for details on how to download for free today.
Top 10 R@H Posts for 2015

Before we lose sight of 2015, we’d like to reflect back on our first full year of blogging. So sit back and catch up on our top posts about event tech, mobile app tips, etc. from 2015.
How a Mobile App Can Boost Your Organization’s Holiday Celebrations

Tis’ the season for giving thanks, helping those in need, and celebrating 2015 successes! See how a mobile app can benefit your members and your team this holiday season.
10 Event Tech Trends to Watch for 2016

Again for 2016, we have compiled a list of ten tech trends association and event professionals should watch. However instead of a research paper, we are releasing these trends in an infographic. Read the post to learn more about these trends and how to download the infographic.
Accomplish your New Year’s Resolution with Mobile Apps

We rely on our mobile devices for just about everything. So why not utilize them to help you achieve your New Year’s Resolution? With January 1 around the corner, here is a list of free mobile apps that can help you stay on target throughout 2015.
Go Mobile Without The Flu

“It is that time of the year again,” I know I’m tired of hearing that line, but it’s true! It’s that time when germs spread and somehow everyone you know has gotten sick! First things first, you likely came here to read technology relevant information, not hygiene. Well both play a part in this. You don’t think mobile devices come with their own anti-bacterial coating do you? Of course not!