Promoting Conference Networking: Before, During, and After

A new year means a new set of events to plan and host—and you want to make sure that they’re better and more successful than the previous year’s! For conferences, a great way to improve your existing event plan is to facilitate networking among your attendees and their qualified leads. […]

Games to Engage Remote Members!

Discover new ways to engage your members at your next virtual meeting or anytime they’re ready to network from their couch or office!  Remote games don’t have to be time-consuming to create or even all that challenging to be FUN!  Add a game to your next virtual meeting or just […]

5 Event App Tips to Boost Engagement After Your Events

Woman using mobile apps on iPhone

After your event is all said and done, what’s next for your event app? Do you think attendees will continuously reminisce about the experience? Probably not and if so, not for very long. So what can you do to make your event app investment worthwhile?

More Sponsorship Opportunities with Results@Hand

Results at Hand blog announcement banner

Conference apps give suppliers/exhibitors around the clock exposure to their target audience during the entire conference. As an event organizer or host, if you are looking for new sponsorship revenue options, or a way to enhance your current event sponsor packages, or even a new unique exposure option for exhibitors — a conference mobile app, like ConferenceBeat, makes different sponsorship opportunities a reality for your organization.