Tag: engagement
Too Many “Apps For That”

“There’s an app for that.” This advertising slogan introduced by Apple has become a part of our vernacular; in 2010 Apple even trademarked the phrase so that competitors wouldn’t be able to use it for their own purposes. As overused as this expression has become, there is truth in its […]
Technology Resolutions for 2018

On the way into work today, I heard a sad stat, “80% of New Year’s resolutions will fail by the second week of February!” That is rather dismal, but perhaps the resolutions were too lofty or ill-conceived or simply never a real commitment from the beginning. Whatever the case, we […]
Continuing Education: What? There’s an app for that?
While most organizations have an app to support their annual conference or a single large seminar, some have grokked the benefit of supporting all educational and engagement endeavors with a mobile app or mobile responsive EMS. This seems intuitive; after all apps can help save resource time, cut paper costs, […]