R@H Update: Support Video Library

Our Support Video Library
For R@H app users, getting help has never been easier. We now offer a direct link to our support video library within the conference app’s CMS. Simply scroll down the admin portal until you see the “Support Videos” tab. Users can also get to this tab easily by using the left side navigation bar as well.
Once clicked, a new window will open in your browser where you can view our full video support library. Each support video is labeled with a question commonly asked by users, making it incredibly easy to find the video you need.
Simply click the topic you want to learn more about and the accompanying support video will drop down.
We offer specific feature walkthroughs, such as how to create audience polling, to more broad videos answering questions like how sponsors and exhibitors can benefit with using our apps.
While many support videos are geared to help conference app admin users, we still offer multiple videos to help attendee users. So if there are any features you would like us to show, feel free to contact us directly or leave it in the comments below!