Our 2015 Strategic Mobile Trends for Associations and Event Leaders

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Again for 2015…
Last year, we released our Strategic Mobile Trends for Associations in 2014 and Beyond whitepaper. Within, we described 10 relevant and useful mobile trends for associations to utilize to their benefit.

Tied to our trends was our 2014 Mobile Readiness Survey, where we asked specific questions regarding association’s mobile strategies. This gave us incredibly valuable insight into the needs of the industry and allowed us to construct an informative results report for participants. Certain parts of the overall research were also featured in trade publications by MSAE, OSAE, and WSAE.
Due to its success, we decided to do a similar report for 2015. However, these mobile trends are targeted to both associations and event leaders. With these audiences in mind, we researched previously covered as well as brand new mobile trends gaining momentum in the New Year.
We describe each mobile trend in great detail while also providing examples on how associations and event leaders alike can utilize them.
For more mobile technology and event app focused whitepapers, be sure to visit our resources page.