Continuing Education: What? There’s an app for that?

While most organizations have an app to support their annual conference or a single large seminar, some have grokked the benefit of supporting all educational and engagement endeavors with a mobile app or mobile responsive EMS.  This seems intuitive; after all apps can help save resource time, cut paper costs,…

R@H Update: One-to-One Messaging

Results at Hand blog announcement banner

Our latest feature release includes one-to-one messaging between app users in our mobile apps! Read the post to learn more about its functionality and how to add it to your own mobile app.

Mobile Myths You Still Believe but Shouldn’t

Tech myths on mobile devices and desktops

As an app builder, we hear a multitude of reasons both for and against harnessing mobile apps and technology in general for member engagement. Unfortunately, a few outdated beliefs regarding mobile technology and member usage have lived past their relevance. So we’re providing an update to clear the air!