8 Steps to Successful Mobile Activation Workbook

According to a report by Forbes Magazine, “82% of Fortune 500 CEOs feel their organization did an effective job of strategic planning. Only 14% of the same CEOs indicated their organization did an effective job of implementing the strategy.” Clearly, a real execution gap exists between what we plan to […]

Event Apps, the App Store, and ASAE

Apple has focused on a quality experience for iPhone users from day one – from the iOS UI design to the regular annual rollout events to the iTunes App Store. There has been a lot of discussion lately about this last one – maximizing user experience in the iTunes App […]

Continuing Education: What? There’s an app for that?

While most organizations have an app to support their annual conference or a single large seminar, some have grokked the benefit of supporting all educational and engagement endeavors with a mobile app or mobile responsive EMS.  This seems intuitive; after all apps can help save resource time, cut paper costs, […]