17 Stats for the Mobile Skeptic [Infographic]

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Let’s take a trip down memory lane, shall we?
Pre 2000’s, what did you do when you had a question? Probably ask someone you knew, like a friend or coworker. If that wasn’t enough you would take a trip to the library and research.
Now what do you do when you’re looking for an answer? You probably ponder for 5-10 seconds before you realize you have your smartphone in your pocket and can search the Internet for pretty much anything you can imagine.
The recent search algorithm update made by Google, famously named “Mobilegeddon,” had many companies scrambling. Everyone (including myself) entered their company website in Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test and hoped for a green pass.
However, many smaller companies and associations ignored this craze and moved on with their days. They just don’t see the need for mobile for their organization. They assume their users aren’t online or won’t know how to use the technology.
This mentality might have been true back in 2011 when 35% of adults owned a smartphone. But in just four years, that number has nearly doubled to 64%. And it will keep growing.
Don’t believe me? Check out our infographic (our first one!), which provides 17 mobile stats that will convince any mobile skeptic otherwise.