Lead Retrieval

Transform leads into customers with Lead Retrieval!

Seamlessly scan QR codes, rate leads, chat with top potential clients, and so much more with ResultsAtHand's newest feature. Networking and forming connections has never been easier!

Scan Badges

Simply scan an attendees' badge to connect and save their profile.

Write Notes

Note discussion details and next steps for new business.

Rate Leads

Score your leads on a 5-star priority scale to return back to later.

Add to Contacts

Add hot leads to your device's address book.


After connecting, chat with top potential clients to further network.


Download your connections file to add to your CRM softare.

Not at the Event? No Problem!

Request a connection via the app to those who are attending virtually!


Request to connect prior to the event so you can message with potential clients and partners before you even meet at the event!

Why use Lead Retrieval?

Seamless Integration

ResultsAtHand's Lead Retrieval Software integrates into Registration and the ConferenceBeat App for a seamless experience.

Proven ROI

Exhibitors know their event ROI when generated leads fuel new business.


Add Lead Retrieval to your Exhibitor Package or add it as a separate feature to increase your revenue.


To learn how this feature can elevate your next event, book a demo!